Why reservation policy maybe be doing more good to India than laurels brought on our nation by achievements of a handful Indians ?

Why reservation policy maybe be doing more good to India than laurels brought on our nation by achievements of a handful Indians ?

If you really want to be a modern age reformer who wants to rid his society of Caste prejudices, you will have to begin by making admission of the logical consistency of the claims raised by Dr BR Ambedkar and likes about those beliefs of Hindu faith which in our centuries old history had lead to the social discrimination.
    Would you admit that Forbidding of eating Cow flesh, which is otherwise an innocuous Hindu way of showing reverence to nature and animals having association with our gods, yielded the social impact of Caste based discrimination towards those craftsmen who worked with the hides of dead cow ?
    Would you admit that everytime you project the personal achievements of a person to be achievement of his high social caste against the odds of modern Reservation policy, you reactively come to denial of achievement of those lower social caste achievers who have uplited hopes of their villages and their entire communities by way of inspiring them to study and learn.
   The game of team work does not fructify with one player having performed excellent, but by every team member performing atleast optimal. Thus,  for a better India, what we need is NOT rare achievers of the likes of Sundar Pichhai, BUT a large population of dalits and other deserters making return to the schools, towards studies and learning due to their hopes of securing fruits from the efforts in this unfriendly field.


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