Entries related with Yakoob Memon's hanging sentence

Dtd 27th July 2015
Judiciary doesn't award capital punishment for sins. It does so when a person, for his deeds, is seen as a threat to society; when a person cannot be reformed; or his deeds need to be checked by  strong deterrence.
   But what happens when someone has adopted reformation due to his own inner calling? Do we still stay put at punishing him for a maniac reasoning of "sending a strong message"?  Is his reformation, and the judiciary's mercy in itself no message to those who adopt violent means to achieve their goals ?
   We are a free democracy. We resist violence, not the opinion however divisive the opinion may be. Therefore someone holding a thought of separatism is not a threat to our harmonious existence, only the violence is. Once we put out faith in someone of having reformed ,sending him to gallows only for a cause of sending a strong message to an unknown enemy is nothing short of a mania, a mental inadequacy

Dtd 29th July 2015
While arguments in favour of Yakub's hanging punishment has been around "sending a strong message", the ground truth has actually stood facing the other direction. India hardly uses death punishment, (actual execution being just 3 in last 25~30 years). And we as a nation have never made cry about whom the presidential pardons have been bestowed and how recklessly, while many are lobbying behind hanging one guy who shows the best signs of conscientious surrenderer. Observable Truth, then, is that we cannot make our country crime free in the manner that Arabian countries do by a public decapitation method; nor do we deserve to be a crime free state when presidential pardon to the most brutal criminals of humanity can pass the public scrutiny but a conscientious surrenderer has no room for mercy.

Dtd 30th July 2015
गुप्तचर संस्था, raw, के पूर्व प्रमुख (स्वर्गीय) श्री बी रामन् ने भी एक लेख में याकूब मेमन को मृत्यु दंड नहीं दिए जाने की हिमायत करी थी। उस दौर में वही raw की तरफ से याकूब के समर्पण की कार्यवाही को देख रहे थे। तो एक तरफ जहाँ सीबीआई ने याकूब को बहला-फुसला कर पकड़ लाने का दावा किया था, वही खुद raw के प्रमुख इसके विरुद्ध थे। मुझे ज्ञात नहीं है की न्यायलय में इन दोनों विपरीत दावों में कौन सा विजयी हुआ और किन तर्कों, प्रमाणों के आधार पर। कभी कभी मुझे याकूब के अभिवक्ताओं की सक्षमता पर संदेह होता है की उन्होंने इस तथ्य को न्यायलय में कैसे प्रस्तुत करके असफल हो जाने दिया। समयकाल में याकूब का जेल में व्यवहार आत्म-समर्पण के उसके दावे को पुख्ता करता रहा था।

   बरहाल, क्या सन्देश दिया है आज़ादी के बाद स्वतंत्र भारत की सरकारों ने। यही की इस देश में कुछ भी चलता है -- चाहे सुरेन्द्र कोली बन कर छोटे बच्चों को मार कर खा लो, कितनों ही मनोदोष अपराध कर लो; चाहे किसी नाबालिग बच्ची से दुराचार और हत्या करके जेल में जाओं, फिर वहां से मृत्यु दंड पर माफ़ी लेकर रिहा हो कर वापस आओ, और फिर से उस पीड़ित के परिवार को मार कर दुबारा मृत्यु दंड पर राष्ट्रपति क्षमा प्राप्त कर लो,
   -- इस देश में यह सब चलेगा,
मगर जो नहीं चलेगा वह होगा एक अंतःकरण आत्म-समर्पण। अगर आप कोई अपराध करके विदेश निकल लेते हो तो भी चलेगा क्योंकि तब हमारी पुलिस आपका बाल भी बांका नहीं कर सकती, मगर यदि आप "भेजे की सुन कर" जागृत अंतःकरण से विवश हो कर आत्म-समर्पण करोगे तब आपको मृत्यु दंड दिया जायेगा।

Dtd 31st July 2015
The "thulla" is a real "chu*ya", you know. I wish he only sit in a law studies classroom of first semester where Contract Law is taught regarding how it is the intentions which become the real basis for execution of a contract and NOT NECESSARILY the explicit , written or verbal, expression.
   There is a case law of Railways versus one Window Frame maker company where the judgement was that deeds of the railways indicated acceptance of contract although the railways later refused to ceding that contract.
    Thus, the intentions of Yakoob are well clear, admitted by the Security personnel , Mr B Raman, himself, and it only becomes a matter of curiosity as to how our investigative agency, which duly have an upper hand because the case was categorized under "security of the country" group, should be suspected of manipulating the intentions, rather keen to show it as their successful task.
   Open hearing, which is due in all other trials , is  absent within the national security classification ( it was a TADA lawsuit) . Yakoob,in Apr 2014 asked for a "public hearing", while he might have been denied   his claims of his true intentions.
   The truth is eventually revealed by work of time than anything else. That Yakoob's claim of having an intention to surrendered is proven by the Judgement of the Time itself when his good conduct in the prison is reported in the media. He is said to have suffered depression and schizophrenia , and was having hallucinations ( the deeper details are kept under wraps by those same Investigative agencies, who have hardly allowed releasing even a single photographs of him in all these 22 years while he was in prison. Infact what we seen in the article above is itself a very old one). These factual events prove the claims with regard to Yakoob's own intention, while the investigative agencies may work on private vested interest to demonstrate a minimal success all through, while we know that they have other failed to even pick smell of all other perpetrators.
   The "thulla" puts the secondary argument about his difficulty to handle the dreaded criminal. Instead of explaining the mistake and fallacyies in his argument, i will cut it short by asking him if he proposes to promptly execute the culprits as soon as they are caught otherwise they are killed by the perpetrators like in case of Tulsiram Prajapati, and Shahabuddin Sheikh . The "thulla" , i am sure, will quickly deny the claims of fake encounter which have let the half justices become a norm in Indian Judiciary as that serves the political purposes. And it is through these political tools that he gets to enjoy the gains of his "thulla" status.

Dtd 01st Aug
Media can at the most make create a public pressure by raising debate around any matter. That is what it is already doing, while the anti-Yakoob pressure group is accusing the TV channels of trying to glorify Yakoob by excessively discussing Yakoob's hanging sentence. What the TV debates achieve by doing a Debate is that the Public Interest is awakened, and that Interest leads to pressuring the authorities to act fair lest they are caught by the public doing a wrong or illegal act.
  Thankfully, TV debates have succeeded to that degree because that is why me and you are discussing it today, and I feel after picking the aspects of the case that it is legitimate to accuse the Investigative agency and the Judicial process of a wrongdoing in not mitigating his death sentence on the grounds that he was in atonement mental state.

Dtd 02nd Aug
तो संभवतः समस्या यही से प्रकट हुयी लगती है। याकूब की मंशा समर्पण की रही होगी परंतु वह तकनीकी रूप में कभी नहीं घटी। raw के प्रमुख, बी रमन, के लेख से यही झलक मिलती है की याकूब के केस में सीबीआई ने mitigating circumatances (अपराध विलेय परिस्थितियों) को न्यायलय के समक्ष प्रस्तुत नहीं किया था। mitigating circumstances से यह तो नहीं होता की अपराध क्षमा हो जाता, परंतु मृत्यु दंड से कम करके कारावास में तब्दील हो जाता। इसमें सभी का लाभ होता। सबको पता है की भारतीय जाँच एजेंसी कोई अधिक सक्षम और योग्य संस्था नहीं है। यही अपने ही देश में 26 नवम्बर के मुम्बई हमलों में शामिल होने के आरोपित एक आतंकवादी जो की रामपुर सैनिक छावनी के धमाकों में भी शामिल था, उसे 26/11हमलों के जज टहिल्यानी को बरी करना पड़ा क्योंकि पुलिस ने सबूतों में उसकी जेब से प्राप्त जो नक्शा प्रस्तुत किया था उस पर एक भी सिलवट नहीं थी !! तो हमारी पुलिस की वास्तविक योग्यता ऐसी है, जो की वरना खुद को ठुल्ला कहे जाने पर बुरा मानते है -- वह भी सिर्फ तब जब एक कानून पसंद ईमानदार आम आदमी उनको ठुल्ला बुला देता है तब। वरना बाकी के भृष्ट नेताओं के तलवे चाटना ही इनकी वास्तविक योग्यता है। यूपी में खुद अपने आई-जी अमिताभ ठाकुर के खिलाफ खौफ खा कर झूटी बलात्कार की fir दर्ज कर लेते है , और दिल्ली में शरीफ आम आदमी के मुख्यमंत्री को आँख दिखाते हैं। कर्नाटक में अपने ही ias अधिकारी, डीके रवि,  की हत्या के मामले में सबूतों को नष्ट हो जाने देते हैं।
      पुलिस और सीबीआई की आज तक की क़ाबलियत इतनी नहीं है की एक शातिर अपराधी का बाल बँकां कर सके। याकूब मेमन मामले में अपने ही ज़मीर से मूर्छित हुए आदमखोर शेर के ऊपर खड़े हो कर ऐसे तस्वीर खिंचवा रहे थे की जैसे मानों उन्होंने ही शिकार किया था। उन्होंने शेर को चिकिसीय सुविधा पहुचने में बांधा बनाये रखी की कही उनकी पोल न खुल जाये की आदमखोर शेर खुद से मूर्छित हुआ था, शिकारी के हाथों से नहीं।
   वैसे अपराध अध्ययन के दृष्टिकोण से भी यह मामला विपरीत सन्देश देगा। की यहाँ इस देश में स्वेच्छित आत्म-समर्पण से शायद कोई लाभ नहीं मिलेगा, इसलिए विदेश में रह कर और अधिक अपराधों को फल खाने में ही भलाई होगी।

Dtd 02 Aug 2015
You see, the role of investigation agency to the process of Justice is very critical.
It is here that the court debate must have centered itself. And since a formal surrender had not happened, the investigation agency gained a upper hand into an already edged matter since the hearing were mostly closed door.
  The court has no room to express its own views on any matter while it is in a debate. The court simply "turns down" or "upholds" the arguments of evidence presented before it, which we layman of the Judicial process call as "कोर्ट सहमत नहीं हुआ".
   Therefore if the evidence of his surrender would have occured by any chance, could would have become deprived of its choice to be "असहमत"  with Yakoob's claim.
   The question is, did the investigation agency deny him the benefits of his pious and clean intentions merely because a legal incidence of those intentions had not occured. For a reminder, under Contract Law, the court allows Intentions even if not EXPRESSLY conveyed to become the basis of acceptance of a Contract.
The same cardinal principle should have worked over here too. But since all the hearing was closed door, the Political operators of the Investigation agency would work their way to ply with the eventual justice. This has what has apparently happened. The fact of Intention of Yakoob Memon to voluntarily surrender proven subsequently by the passage of time where his good conduct was commended in the media, most likely by the TADA special judge PD Koda, and his co-operation with the investigation agency. He was abandoned by his family for having ceded to the voice of conscience. Which is another notable sign of what his intentions were. His community gathered in thousands to pay tributes to his sacrifice for them, which may be deemed appropriate to any community having undergone such marks of suppression as they claim for. Remember again, the Hindu community ofteb defends the Gujrat Riots against the burns of Godhara, on the same line of argument.


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