
Showing posts from July, 2013

The case of "Refusal to sign/ accept" a piece of paper on board the ship

     As commonly observed, the action of 'refusal to sign/accept' a paper given to someone, is given the treatment of act of indiscipline, as in 'refused to obey the lawful command of Master'. This is where most ship officers make a mistake. In seafaring life, particularly where there is culturally prevailing a criss-cross notion between the Navy (the armed force of nation) and the Merchant 'Navy' (the commercial shipping) , people like to behave, conduct and also deliver in style of a disciplined and regimented personnel. The commercial laws implications of 'refusal to sign/accept' are not as large or significant as to claim insubordination or disobedience against the person. It is merely about the 'breakdown of communications', for reasons which may both be valid or invalid. In most likely situations it may get evidenced as a 'valid' action, the flow of logic from the commercial laws would happen like that.       In a shipcrew to maste...

मत-भेदी विचार

विचारों का मतभेद होना किसी भी जीवंत समाज का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा है ।    दैनिक जीवन में हम सभी मत-भेदी विचारों से बचने की कोशिश करते हैं । मत-भेदी विचारों से मानसिक अशांति होती है । इससे सयुंक्त कार्य-पालन बंधित होता है । समाज बिखरता है । समाज अथवा समुदाय की एकता नष्ट होती है ।     मगर गहन तर्कों में मत-भेदी विचारों का मूल्य इसके ठीक विपरीत है । सभी वर्गों के विचारों को लेकर आगे बढ़ने के लिए कई विरोधाभासी विचारों का निवारण करना ही एक मात्र तरीका है । मत-भेदी विचारों के निवारण में ही शोध , अध्ययन के बीज होते हैं , जो व्यक्ति को प्रेरित करते है कुछ नया करने के लिए , रचनात्मक होने के लिए, नयी खोज करने के लिए । मत-भेदी विचारों के निवारण में ही अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का सही उपयोग होता है । इसमें ही हमें विनम्र , धैर्यवान ,सहनशील और विवेक-शील होने की आवश्यकता का पाठ मिलता है । यंही हमारे अन्दर विद्यमान इन सभी गुणों का परीक्षण होता है ।     एक वास्तविक , हृदय-उत्सर्जित एकता और अखंडता को प्राप्त करने का सही तरीका मत-भेदी विचारों के निवारण की क्रिया से ही गुज़रता ...

In India, why do colleges do not accept degrees obtained through distance learning?

In India, the Distance Education Council (DEC) of the Govt of India which works under the aegis of the IGNOU regulates the Distance Learning (DL) in India. If you visit their website you will see that almost all the state universities conduct some sort of DLP . All these universities have a recognition from a government body somewhere or the other-- either from a State Government , or the Central Govt. However, the DEC website will mention which all courses from which state universities have 'valid' recognition and which all are 'expired'. This concept of 'valid' and 'expired' has a thing to do with the business revenues of the DEC itself and the state universities too which are offering these DL program . There is a jurisdiction clash between them over why and how a State University can operate in another State without the local recognition, and thereof , the local assistance of the Police, Education, and District authorities? This assistance, any layma...

Who is an ‘expert’? विशेषज्ञ (= Expert ) किसे कहते हैं ?

Who is an ‘expert’?  विशेषज्ञ (= Expert ) किसे कहते हैं ?        अंग्रेजी शब्दकोशों में अगर हम "विशेषज्ञ" शब्द का अर्थ ढूंढे तब हमे उत्तर यह मिलेगा की विशेषज्ञ उस किस्म के व्यक्तियों को कहा जाता है जो किसी विषय में कुछ ख़ास /विशेष ज्ञान रखतें हैं । यह ज्ञान को वह उस विषय से लम्बे अर्से से जुड़े होने (जैसे कि, कार्य करने) , शोध करने , पढ़ने या फिर पढ़ाने के कारणों से अर्जित करते हैं ।    'विशेषज्ञ' शब्द एक तरल विचार में प्रयोग होने वाली संज्ञा हैं । यह किसी व्यक्ति का नाम नहीं , जो एक संज्ञा-विशेष से दर्शाया जाता हैं । न ही यह एक शैक्षिक उपाधि है , जो किसी व्यक्ति से जुड़ जाने के बाद उसके साथ हमेशा के लिए रह जाती हैं । कोई भी व्यक्ति 'विशेषज्ञ' के रूप में पहचाना जा सकता हैं - मगर किसी ख़ास , संकीर्ण , छोटे क्षेत्र में । एक हलवाई खाना बनाने के क्षेत्र में कुछ ख़ास पकवान के लिए 'विशेषज्ञ' हो सकता है , और एक दूसरा व्यक्ति किसी एक ख़ास पकवान को लज्ज से खा-खा कर उसके संतुलित स्वाद को पहचानने में । यह आवश्यक नहीं हैं की वही व्यक्ति बाकी सब पकवानों के लि...

सोशल मीडिया की बहस-- प्रजातंत्र में एक नया अध्याय

"बात को काटना" एक व्यक्तव्य है जब किसी के द्वारा कहे जा रहे विचार को बीच में ही किसी प्रशन , या अन्य विचार के प्रक्षेपण के द्वारा भंग कर दिया जाता है । यह एक सोची-समझी हरकत भी हो सकती है , या एक आकास्मक क्रिया भी जब जोश में, और फिर भूल जाने के भय में, या फिर नए आकास्मक विचार के विलयित हो जाने के भय से उसे उत्तेजना में तुरंत ही प्रक्षेपित कर बैठते हैं ।       सोशल मीडिया पर चलने वाली बहस 'नुक्कड़ की चाय की दूकान' की बहस से थोडा हट कर होती है । यदि आप मवाली की भाषा में बहस को "बोल बचन " के रूप में समझने के लिए भ्रमित-प्रशिक्षित किये जा चुके हैं , तब आपको इस लेख के विचार को समझने में थोडा दिक्कत हो सकती है । क्योंकि इस लेख के विचार में आपको एक Brain washed व्यक्ति मान कर चला गया हैं ।          सोशल मीडिया की 'डिबेट' को यदि हम मवाली की भाषा-विचार में भी समझे तब भी थोडा त्रुटी-पूर्ण होगी यदि आप इसे "बोल बचन" समझेंगे । यह बहस "लेख बचन " के समान होती है। यहाँ 'बात काटना' एक आसान क्रिया नहीं होती है । इसलिए क्योंकि कंप्यूटर सॉफ...

Helpguide on debates of social media

Debates which take place social media are not meant for you, if: 1) you don't believe in the 'freedom of expressions'. Instead, you may join a community of 'like-minded people' which is well 'moderated' for 'right posts' and 'wrong post'. In other words, those communities which practice censorship. 2) you are not conversant with how the 'freedom of opinion and expressions' works. 3) You are man whose 'feelings can be easily hurt'. 4) You hold emotions and sensibility higher than logic and reasonability. 5) You fear for your job, office people, company HR. 6) Your arguments work only in the verbal form, in a private or secret space. They cannot hold waters in written form , over a public space. 7) You are conscientious that you are involved in works contrary to what you profess to be doing. In other words, you know that your business survives on some mis-doings. 8) You should be able to find the similarities and the dif...

on the debates on the social media.

Why is there so much debate happening on the social media? What does it go on to reveal about us ?      Most of the debates, i observe, are hinging around a general ignorance pertaining to Sociological Theories , Laws and Justice. What sort of 'nation' are we ? someone who have not yet arrived at a common agreement among ourselves on what sort of 'india' we want to make? What would be our common acceptance of the Rights and Wrongs in out Justices, our ethos.             The debates, I notice, are highly boiling , often echoing in our hearts and minds for long time. As if the words and letters have pierced a hole into us, to burn our thoughts and emotions. There is a general confusion about the ' perfect world fallacy ', ' the fully just world ', ' the perfect world ', wherein there are two sorts of people who are actively existent trying to ride , each on the other one. There is first group, which likes to see the imperfections of this wor...

To trust or not to trust

Affected by large cases of betrayal of trust, many people end up concluding that 'we should not trust anyone', which they speak in the same lore as what the Science says, "you should not believe in things easily". It is interesting to see that realpolitik minds have found ways of abusing the concept of Scientific Skepticism, too, for its realpolitik usage, where it abruptly and irrationally demands of the people to give-up it's believing habits even to what is sensibly and logically derived. Technically, you should not be trusting anyone. To trust, you must know the truth. You can and you must trust only the truth. To know the truth, you need information - truthful or untruthful whatever. You then need to put your own brain on an analysis work to figure out the truth hidden in those contradictory, conflicting information. Any other kind or method you are applying by any means to repose your trust in anyone or anything is actually your Belief. You are already a ...

How does an Indian understand 'Control' as in 'management control' .

The concept of 'Control' should be kept well separated from the behaviour of Feudalistic Siege. The scarce educated, village-born, rural mentality Managers who 'make it through burning the night lamps/hard work' to the management ranks are not conversant in the methods of how to exercise Control. In management, Control is itself a scientific process, often involved use of statistics and mathematics order to obtain the Optimal Quantity, Studies of life span, working life, human interface, and all that.         The rural mentality understands 'Control' as reprimands, punishment, deprivation, denials of essential commodities. Well, that is how they saw their Village feudal lord exercising 'Control' over them, or that they themselves as Feudal Lords exercised 'control' over the impoverished peasantry. It is typically essential of Feudalist conducts to suppress free-speech, free-will, or atleast to meekly accept all oppression.        I love to reca...