Right to Education.. What happens to the quality of education?
15th Apr 2012, So, finally we have it here. The Right to Education. In the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR), this is one unique issue on which a lot of conflict of opinions has occurred. While most of the UNDHR has been about promotion of the will of a freeborn man, the right to education has come as one bondage on every citizen as a duty. The states have been empowered to compulsorily educate all its citizen. the term of 'compulsorily' has often been interpreted as an element of force and coercion by the detractors of this Article of the UNDHR. The anti-educationist camp have claimed this article as a deprivation of their freedom to not to go to schools due to their personal choice. The question rises from a philosophical meandering on the issue of ,"what is education? and, is school education only what can be termed as education?" . That is how the anti-educationist camp has found its moral strength. nevertheless, the article has successfu