Democractic Systems and mental health issues of leadership
One peculiar threat that looms on a Democracy comes from the unfamiliar department of Psychiatry. People who have anti-Social and aggressive , dominating temperament are better at rising in certain roles of leadership The trouble is that they are by nature itself anti-democractic, and they can exploit the easy climb of Secular Humanism to reach on top, and then destroy the very ladder by which they had climbed to top. Such people, who have aggressive dominating temperament, are poor at understanding the Rights of people - Constitutional , legal and human . Infact this very trait is what brings them the success to reach to role of leadership. But can imagine the havoc they bring to the organisation and the society once they come to top ? They kill their own gurus and choke up the freedoms of the country, while remaining in denial about the consequences of their decisions Impeachment of the POTUS is a telling tale. He lies through his teeth, had a conduct unbecoming of a Presi