Fallacies...the "maya"

Once a Fallacy situation is created, in the current scenario between the anti-graft campaigners and the "anti-destabilize protectors", the method to resolving out the fallacy would circle around the other *un essential information* about each other. The unesential informations become the most significant vital details: who wear what clothes, who dress like what, who said what and when, and so on.

 Human life an unending trap of "maya", the "bhram" and the unlearned , unclear minds can never come out of it. Knowledge is not just information compilation, but sometimes the cause of our bondage if we do not know how to manage and collate the information. That again brings me to topic of difference between Intellectualism and Intelligence. The search of justice, the Dharma, is an never ending task for human beings, and Intelligence, the act of information gathering, is merely and essentially the first step, but not the last and only step. To make sense from the information, for a general wider public good is more a daunting task.


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