Mariners should collectively reject the name change from India AND/OR Bharat , to EXCLUSIVELY Bharat

I think that we as Marine fraternity must not accept the name change theory as correct

We are Mariners, the posterity of the erstwhile Explorers .

And  so we must all stand to defend that it is a God-bestowed NATURAL RIGHT  of every explorer to call the place that he lands on before anyone else, by what nane he thinks fit and whatever he knows of it.

By assigning a name, an explorer has done just what any other explorer, from any other country or a civilizations would do - Yesterday, Today or Tomorrow.

Aren't we , as the Human species , giving names to places of the Moon and the Mars, and other cornors of the outer space, as how we think of them as on today !!

Imagine , if we have called a place in the outer space  by some name today, and many many centuries later , some species of Aliens rises up to accuse us of having done then a wrong by assigning them non-native name, or an incorrectly spelled name , or whimiscial name of our own thought,

How right will that accusation be against an Explorerer ?

Think .

The land–lubbers need to be told by the mariners of today , and be made educated about how the exploring Mariners of the Past era would do their thinking,

And, mind it, all the First World, intelligent Countries have chosen to respect the Rights of Explorerer, by assigning two names to their countries

Almost all of the intelligent societies on earth which have had Cult of Explorerers  within their culture , have done so

The History of the world beckons that only the Third  World , subdued civilizations have chosen to part with the assigned name, largely under the narcissitic compulsion of domestic politics, most of them citing a reason that the alternate name was assigned by some foreign power . These third world countries have thereof , unwittingly etched down on the  sands of Time, a history of unerasable trauma from the subjugation and they have also become dismissive, disrespecting of their past and the present Explorers, who largely were the mariner professionals .

I dare say that  such actions of doing away with the second name for their country is, in effect,  turning off the Culture of Exploration within their own society for a long time to come. 


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