Post-truth and the governments
Post-truth and the governments The politically a-neutral police can act strict with the opposition and lenient with the ruling party supporters. And there is no logical way to crack this predicament. Discrimination can NEVER be -controlled - neither by strictest of legislation, nor by the best of the technology. And Discrimination shares this trait of itself in common with Corruption. Only the awakened human Conscience is the treatment for Discrimination and Corruption, as the Conscience works through It's "self-control", and the self-realization mechanics . Incidentally, Religion is the biggest influential envelop for the Conscience to become awakened. But what irony ! The religion is itself controlled by those who are raveling with Discrimination and Corruption !! The trap is circular , 'completely rounded in shape" and therefore inescapable unless we start a new SPIRITUAL THOUGHT ~ the Varanasi level Brahmn gyan The post-truth way of handling the even...