About the psychological, cutural and the technological impacts of the music songs. Jagjit Singh's gazal CDs were the ones which would run the franchise shops called as the Planet M, the Music World , all of which are now extinct. Today, I will say that this singer's work single handed ran the buisness of these shops. Because every trip to these shops meant that the customer would not return back without buying out atleast one piece of an item, — in the least he would do a purchase of one CD having a collection of Jagjit Singh's gazals. As for us, as sailors, in Indian ports we used to buy CDs of his songs; and from China, we used to buy English Songs. Sometimes me and my friends would laugh out at how many CDs we had collected of the same set of songs, in which , just the order of the songs was little different from an other collection in a CD that we already owned. The era from mid '90s upto 2010's was that of the music albums. I remember the name of one of the e
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