
Showing posts from August, 2015

एक राष्ट्र का निर्माण कौन सी सोच पर होना चाहिए ?

How do you make India ? A) By instilling a political apprehension in the minds of men that they should stand united else someone will conquer and rule over them ? (~The Military thesis of a Nation) OR B) Bringing a common standard of Justice -- a Code - where same standards of morality may be followed, same belief of ethics, a guaranteed linearity of compliance of the Justice code ? (~The civil thesis of a Nation) Think about what is it that makes a Nation. एक देश में से एक राष्ट्र का निर्माण कैसे करोगे आप ? अ) सभी मानवों के मस्तिष्क में एक भय व्याप्त...

why ancient hindus didn't create historical records

Hindus believe in माया , by which is meant a temporary cacophony of the world which keeps trying to interfere in the union of Soul with the God. So hindus never considered creating any monument or record for a 'temporary' thing...the entire History, as we believe it to be, now. Because such a record would strengthen the interfering force, the माया . The result is that, in real scientific terms of today all our "history" is just a mythology, a figment of some one's imagination.

Legal knowledge is not a must for conducting himself judiciously by a leader

A shipping company was looking to arrest revenue losses through, inter alia, controlling Overtime payments onboard ships. The labour union agreements between shipowners association and the sea crew Unions stipulated a "guaranteed" overtime of 109hours to each crew, and additional payments for every hour of overtime performed above the guaranteed hours at a rate mutually agreed.      At the same time, the international labour related administration had desired and accepted the general social-economic necessity to reduce overtime payments and instead, to employ additional persons where such overtime payments were observed to be a regular feature. Yet, it validated the Natural Justice that wherever the overtime works shall have been performed, the payments will have to be necessarily made and in accordance with the agreement terms mentioned in the above paragraph.       The shipping company sent out a circular onboard its fleet of ships that t...

Nonfeasance, Misfeasance and Malfeasance

जनप्रसाशनिक कर्मचारियों(Public officials), अथवा किसी भी सेवादार या प्रोफेशनल के द्वारा अपने कर्तव्यों से सम्बंधित किये जा सकने वाले दोष पूर्ण आचरण(wrongful conducts) के तीन  प्रकार : Nonfeasance (उच्चारण:नॉनफी...

क्या वाकई में अग्रेजों ने जाते जाते भारत पाकिस्तान बटवारे में divide and rule किया था ?

क्या वाकई में अग्रेजों ने जाते जाते भारत पाकिस्तान बटवारे में divide and rule किया  था ?      मेरा ख्याल है की स्वतंत्रता के 67 सालों के दौरान हम भारतियों ने अपनी आत्ममोह मनोविकृति के चलत...

Why reservation policy maybe be doing more good to India than laurels brought on our nation by achievements of a handful Indians ?

Why reservation policy maybe be doing more good to India than laurels brought on our nation by achievements of a handful Indians ? If you really want to be a modern age reformer who wants to rid his society of Caste prejudices, you will have to begin by making admission of the logical consistency of the claims raised by Dr BR Ambedkar and likes about those beliefs of Hindu faith which in our centuries old history had lead to the social discrimination.     Would you admit that Forbidding of eating Cow flesh, which is otherwise an innocuous Hindu way of showing reverence to nature and animals having association with our gods, yielded the social impact of Caste based discrimination towards those craftsmen who worked with the hides of dead cow ?     Would you admit that everytime you project the personal achievements of a person to be achievement of his high social caste against the odds of modern Reservation policy, you reactively come to denial of achievem...

भाजपा के रामराज्य का रामबाण


भाजपा की राजनीति और ढोंगी बाबाओं के बीच का nexus

गौर करने वाली बात यह है की यह सब पाखंडी और ढोंगी बाबा भारतीय जनता पार्टी के समर्थक है। यह वही लोग है जो की कांग्रेस और दूसरी पार्टियों को Sickular बुलाते हैं, और वास्तविक secularism से जनता क...

वो भुला दिए गए हिंदुत्व मूल्य...

रावण को मारने के बाद भी धर्म ने गुहार लगायी थी। ब्राह्मणों के एक दल का कहना था की रावण ब्राह्मण था, शिव भक्त था, अच्छा शासक था, बस थोडा अभिमानी हो गया था। इसलिए वह रामचंद्र जी से ...

Entries related with Yakoob Memon's hanging sentence

Dtd 27th July 2015 Judiciary doesn't award capital punishment for sins. It does so when a person, for his deeds, is seen as a threat to society; when a person cannot be reformed; or his deeds need to be checked by  strong deterrence.    But what happens when someone has adopted reformation due to his own inner calling? Do we still stay put at punishing him for a maniac reasoning of "sending a strong message"?  Is his reformation, and the judiciary's mercy in itself no message to those who adopt violent means to achieve their goals ?    We are a free democracy. We resist violence, not the opinion however divisive the opinion may be. Therefore someone holding a thought of separatism is not a threat to our harmonious existence, only the violence is. Once we put out faith in someone of having reformed ,sending him to gallows only for a cause of sending a strong message to an unknown enemy is nothing short of a mania, a mental inadequacy ×××...

Yet another Heterogeneous Justice of the BJP and ModiBhakts

Heterogeneous standards of Justic e

सत्यम् ब्रूयात् VERSUS निंदक नियारे राखिये

In my opinion, the sanskrit quote given below has caused a great internal damage to values of vedic religion. Sycreticism and Dichotomy has become an idiosyncratic feature of Hinduism , something which the BJP and the RSS seem to be excelling in. - सत्यम ब्रूयात् प्रियम् ब्रूयात्, न ब्रूयात् सत्यम अप्रियम् | प्रियम् च नानृताम्ब्रुयात्, एष: धर्म सनातनः || (meaning) सत्य बोलो , प्रिय बो...

पाखंडियों के हाथ में हिंदुत्व रह गया...

उठ-उठ के मस्जिदों से नमाज़ी चले गए दहशतगरों के हाथ में इस्लाम रह गया सुनने में भले ही यह कलाम इस्लाम धर्म से ताल्लुक रखता हुआ लगे, मगर कटु सत्य यह है की आज हिन्दू धर्म की हालात ...

जस्टिस मार्कंडेय काट्जू की वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण की प्रतिभा और bold old man की भूमिका

जस्टिस मार्कंडेय काट्जू हमारे देश के नए कटू-सत्य वाचक की भूमिका निभा रहे हैं।   जस्टिस काट्जू ने हाल के दिनों में अपनी फेसबुक पोस्ट के द्वारा न सिर्फ वर्तमान काल की राजनैत...