Text of my voice message to my course mates on our 25th Anniversary meet

Something should be spoken out
By each one of us,
to all of us

About life, about experiences about learning and about our collective legacy to our children

That , how we started,

Twenty-five years ago, on April 26th, 1998, our paths converged in a manner scripted by fate. Each of us hailing from diverse corners of India, we found ourselves united by a common thread - an arduous examination that served as our gateway to a shared destiny. Though the process may have been fraught with controversies, the telegram from the Shipping Corporation of India served as our beacon, summoning us to muster and embark on a voyage of professional growth.

In hindsight, we ponder upon the roads not taken, the alternative paths we might have traversed. Some among us heeded the call of their true calling, veering towards different career streams. Yet, for those of us who remained steadfast in our maritime pursuit, the journey unfolded as a testament to perseverance and dedication.

So, what would you or me like to speak to those lost friends of ours, in a hindsight ? Maybe,
Now, after 25 years of experience, i would tell them that sailing is a task that can be accomplished only when someone has his true calling here.

The maritime profession, as we have come to know, demands more than just technical proficiency. It necessitates a profound resilience - mental, physical, and psychological. The vast expanse of the sea, with its tempestuous temperament, serves as an unforgiving crucible wherein we forged our mettle.

The necessity to elucidate these skills is paramount, for without clarity, one may find themselves adrift amidst the myriad paths beckoning at life's crossroads. Let us remind ourselves how some among us  have entertained aspirations beyond the maritime realm, later opting to chart a course aligned with their true calling.

As we stand on the cusp of our Silver Jubilee, we find ourselves not confined to the confines of mere seafaring. Our horizons have expanded, encompassing realms of ship ownership, manning, surveying, and port operations. We navigate through the intricacies of handling hazardous cargo, leveraging cutting-edge technology to mitigate risks and ensure safety.

Yet, amidst our celebration, we must pause to pay homage to those who have departed from our midst. At 25th anniversary , we are minus 2. With solemn reverence, we acknowledge their spiritual voyage, a journey imbued with the essence of truth and transcendence. Let us observe a moment of silence in their memory, cherishing their legacy and the indelible mark they left upon our collective narrative.

On our  Silver Jubilee meet, it's crucial that we pause to express our heartfelt gratitude to our beloved spouses and families for their unwavering support throughout the storms and trials of life's journey. Often, as the providers for our families, we find ourselves adrift on the sea of responsibility, leaving our partners stranded on the isolated islands of family life, where they bravely navigate the challenges of nurturing children, caring for our parents, and their own, all on their own.

Reflecting back to 25 years ago, when all of us embarked on this journey as single individuals, we carried with us the hope and silent longing for a life partner who would understand and embrace the unique demands of a seafarer's life. From the outset, I, like many, knew this was no easy feat. While most of us found such partners within our own communities, a few amongst us ventured across borders in search of their soulmates. In doing so, they elevated the mere professional endeavor to a quest for true connection and a pursuit of companionship transcending across man-made national boundaries

Let us collectively acknowledge and commend those who found love across borders, for they embody the spirit of seamanship beyond the confines of a livelihood, transcending boundaries to become citizens of the world. These friends, I dare say, are not just our pride but the shining examples that illuminate the true essence of our maritime fraternity to the world.

Let's continue our celebration and reconnect, committing to strengthen our bonds and offering support to each friend whenever they are in need


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