Is there a difference between complimenting someone and giving a bribe

When goras do it, it's obligatory bottle of scotch.

When it's done by brown smelly indians, it's corruption


Long ago, I read on Harward Business School website , that

Giving Complimentary presents is a kind of Expression of one's feeling, joy happiness satisfaction

Therefore, "tipping" is protected under Freedom Of Expression Rights !!

The forceful extortion of complement, by misconduct, or by underperforming,

That's illegal


Warning: a Long Post below

The tragedy of socialist countries, or those countries where the labour exploitation has been culturally accepted common practice (such as India)

The social cultural and religious acceptance of the Free Will is low ,

Therefore, as a cultural predisposition,
No man does any task properly of his own free will ,
The giver and the reciever both are in a state of perpetual tussle to achieve psychological dominance over each other.

Therefore , thee is no admitted idea of giving something out of act of Gratuity , within the culture

You may notice, Indians have often been accused of being miserly, giving  no money to even the prostitutes ,
Have a poor reputation of paying out fairly


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