What should be the meaning of Secularism?

Reference Article :


This article (Definition of Secularism: What Hindus need to know) , although well researched, is repeating the mistake of trying to understand SECULARISM as a legally definable entity, instead of understanding it as a socio-cultral response of the people to supremacy of priestly class and the institution of Religions, over Administration matters.
   For one, it can be said about SECULARISM that it is a administrative form of Protestant cultural outrage.
Secularism puts Rational Human Thinking as sole guidance for administrative actions.
Secularism does not inhibit any religion, nor does it guarantee neutrality of state towards faith, if the faith conforms to the Rational Human Thought.
Irreligionism is not disfavored either,by Secularism , as long as Irreligion is a Rational Human Thought, and that the irreligionism does not discard Morality.
  Scientific Temper, the outcome of Rational Human Thought, is what is meant to be promoted by incorporating doctrine of Secularism in the Judicial and Administrative actions.  Various Religious institutions have often attempted to appropriate Scientific Thinking into their domain, but truth is that human history is flooded with cases of serious violations by the Religious Institutions over Rational Human Thoughts.
  Secularism is consistent with Freedom and liberation of mankind from miseries and sorrows. It is agreed that Some people find liberation by practising a religion, others faced problems because of religions. Secularism is that cultural response of the modern era which plugs the gap when it comes to whether religions should be a guide to Judicial and Administrative actions in the era of Democracy and Representative elected governance.

It should be remembered that Secularism ,like any other Justice thought, can be abused to create inequality by half-disbursements. But then, this is a problem of Judicial process, not of the doctrine of Secularism.
It is duly possible for a conniving judiciary or the state executives to partially disburse the justice/ decision-making based on any doctrine ,making an illusion that it is a problem of that doctrine itself. However, in deeper inspection, it is problem of Judicial dispensation which purposefully or unpurposefully half-disburses the doctrine. In this regard,  Judiciary is a vehicle of discharge of all the doctrines which the society cherish. If given away the freedom from blame, the judiciary can duly half-apply the principle of Equality to bring about inequality within the society.( !!!!). Therefore, faults and defects of Judiciary must not be blamed on the doctrine itself, but on the Judiciary Vehicle.


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