the notation of 'refuse to sign'

I think it is important to discuss at some point how the notation of 'refuse to sign' works in document and law. Law recognises that It is possible that people may start abusing the otherwise acceptable notation of 'refuse to accept/sign' to fulfil their own sinister motives. The validity of 'refuse to accept' is acceptable only as a timebeing, until some proven method to make communication with the person is documented. Infact this notation, 'refuse to accept' has a direct bearing on Mode of Communication. Sometimes, it maybe that we are demanding of someone to signature or accept the document which that person , by his own company/national law is not authorised to accept. Hence, 'refusal to sign' will come in favor of the person who is refusing to sign that paper. It maybe that the paper is not legally understood by the person who is being given that paper. Then , too , the 'refusal to sign' will stand with the person who is refusing to do it. In such case, the paper to signatured is re-directed via a recognised mode of Communication, such as an email, a courier, or postal registry, or fax, to an authorised person, the point of contact, as agreed in the contract, or as recognised by some local law.
In a ship board OLB log entry, 'refusal to accept' might never be seen in your entire life time. What is 'refuse to accept/sign' is some paper, maybe the sealed envelope, which is a valid event to record in the OLB. The complaint against a person is definitely not required to be signatured by that person himself. And to this case, one cannot say, '' 'A' has 'refused to sign' ''. (please apply standard cognitive skills to know the difference).
  If a paper communicated to a company through a recognised mode of Communication, and in good acceptable language, is 'refused to sign', the court may proceed to settle the issue 'ex parte', saying that the other party is hiding from the law. In fact ,before doing so, the court will summon that person through a public notice published in all the recognised news papers, and through national postal system, to establish a contact.
People should avoid using 'refused to accept/sign' casually to their own selfish interpretations.


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