
Showing posts from May, 2019

Necessity to serve the Non-partisan, 'Ideal Gas' perspective to the masses

To be able to understand the aspects of  many of  posts  i make, one should be able to release himself from the  obsessive  grip of never-ending politics, of taking side with either of the two parties ; and then think - RE-THINK the full situation from perspective of a judge or a king on  how to amicably resolve a dispute among the people.   Not everyone should become partisan in society in such hours of public distrust against one another. This moment calls for someone to provide a non-partisan view of what OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN done. Everyone is taking about what MUST be done, or what HAS BEEN DONE. There is no one to provide the IMAGINARY , THE "IDEAL GAS" PERSPECTIVE by which every one may develop a common Standards of evalution by himself of what OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN the RIGHT way. Through these 'posts' i am striving to provide the NON-PARTISAN perspective, so that we may draw towards consensus-built solution. It is intended through these post...

Indian democracy - on the road to perdition

The fact that the political parties have to plead before the Election Commission, instead of the President of India, to follow the path of logic is testimony to patent defects in the Administrative structure of this country to serve a society desirous of Democractic governance _x_x_x_x It is definite that Bureaucracy is that hidden 'sovereign" which is no where mentioned in the promise called as Constitution of India. The Presidency is rather a confusing rank created so to cheat the people as to who is the real holder of the Sovereign, who is capable of exercising his ULTIMATE DISCRETION when a conflict becomes chronically unresolved. The Election Commission is controlled by the exclusive class of people - the civil Service. That means there is no place in this system for any other class of people of other occupations in this country . We may wonder as to why we call it a Democracy at all ! _x_x_x In the theory of the subject, it was intended that the holder of the Sover...

What powers does the EVM represent?

EVM represents some invisible power, which can control the socio-political life, or maybe an administrative super-power around the common man. It is either an operative method of the super-power secretly vested in the Indian judiciary which is letting the EVMs stay around, Or, the EVMs represent the Bureaucracy, because they are the exclusive class of people who control the Election Commission Unfortunately, all the Constitutional post are occupied exclusively by the Bureaucracy. There is just two recorded instance when a non-IAS person has come as chairman of the UPSC. (Incidentally, one of them was CHARTED, Engineer. Now If you are interested in understanding who are the PROFESSIONALS, then look around for the meaning of CHARTED.) So, it is done, that the EVM is a symbol of the invisible social master - like the Brahmins, in the olden times, Or, of the Bureaucracy, in the Bureaucratic Democracy in post-independance India. Indian Democracy is half-baked. The British who ...

What happens to the EVM issue if the LS2019 results in change of government at centre ?

यदि लोकसभा 2019 के परिणामों में मोदी जी हार जाते है और कांग्रेस आ जाती है, तब भी लोग evm से शंकमुक्त नही होने वाले है। लोग भले मूक हो जाये, मगर शंका मुक्त नही होंगे। कारण rational thinking की काबलिय...

राजसी सेवा से सरकारी नौकरी तक में उलटी गंगा का निर्माण : प्रजातंत्र से मूर्खतंत्र का सफर

प्रजातन्त्र का आरंभ हुआ था जनता द्वारा राजा और उसके मुलाज़िमों के जुल्म से मुक्ति से संघर्षों के दौरान। मगर भारत मे सब कुछ उल्टी गंगा हुआ पड़ा है। यहाँ प्रजातन्त्र का असली भोग तो राजा के मुलाज़िम , यानी नौकरशाही , ही कर रही है। देश मे सबसे बेहतरीन नौकरी - नागरिक कर्तव्यकारी टैक्स के पैसों से निकलती तन्ख्वाह, नौकरी में परम संरक्षण, स्वतः वार्षिक वृद्धि, वगैरह। खुद से सोचिए, क्या इस देश मे किसी भी प्राइवेट सेक्टर की नौकरी में ऐसे मज़े हैं ? नहीं, न? प्राइवेट सेक्टर की नौकरी जोखिमों से भरि हुई है। बॉस की चालपूसी, हां में हां मिलाना, शोषण और उत्पीड़न वाले आदेशों को मानना, अधिकारों वाले कानूनों का तो गलती से आफिस में ज़िक्र भी नहीं करना, यह होती है प्राइवेट सेक्टर कि नौकरी। तो यह उल्टी गंगा हुई कैसे?  संविधान निर्माताओं में शायद समाज के आर्थिकी चक्र के ज्ञान और चेतना कमज़ोर थी। वह राजसी सेवा ( सरकारी नौकरी ) और पेशा ( व्यवसाय ) के बीच अंतर का ज्ञान नही रखते थे।उनका पूरा का पूरा ध्यान सामाजिक न्याय पर लगाये हुए थे , क्योंकि राजसी सेवा में निवास करती शासन शक्ति की ओर ही उ...

Democracy - of the Government Servants OR of the Common people

The west is concerned that the Democratic nations that took birth after the world war-II, most of them are heading towards self-destruction.  The public administration systems, the Democratic Government mechanisms were not "homegrown" but rather "imported", self-styled " jugaad " adaptions of the original systems of the west itself. Thus, the Government systems are confused and deprived of any streamlined singular Philosophy around which their theories and Principles could emerge. The localised adaptions have led to the insular design of most of their prevailing Government systems, which, in best judgement are no system at all. One of this new-born nation wanted to not to have the system of Kingdom. It, therefore, made the adaption by knocking out the system of King-sovereign and replaced it with the Presidency. In the bargain, it forgets to eradicate the "Servants of the Kings" system. Thus, the King was 'out' but his Servants were sti...

Insular learning and philosophically-nourished learning

Knowledge, when acquired insularly , comes by Rote-learning process . It then fails to make any sense to the learners, as it fails to invoke a critical thought among them. A teacher must have good insight into the philosophy of lots of things of common interest, as that may come of help to him to connect the pieces of knowledge that he wants to impart to his learners, in a connected, streamlined link to a pre-acquired 'interesting' subject, instead of the isolatedly informed piece of knowledge, to which the learner may feel pressed to acquire only by Rote-learning . A good teacher makes a story of the knowledge to assemble the concepts, one on top of other, inside the mind of his learner. The story can better relay the material towards the self-discovery of the Concept by the learner, than an isolated introduction of the idea. The story can help build the INTEREST in the form of a connected link piece of the chain. INTEREST is the most prized behaviour of mind which is ne...

Youtube and practitioners of Insular teaching method

Just thought of searching the youtube on the difference in the terms 'Lawyers', 'Advocate', 'Barrister,' 'Solicitors'. The other day, I searched for Youtube 's understanding of 'what is the Rule of Law '. There is one thing I came to understand, that the Youtube is filled with Phony Scholarship found among the Indians. There are lots of video available, maybe in lakhs and crores, which mislead and miseducate the common people about certain things. If ever u want to understand these things authentically, then you must always search for Youtube videos coming from a foreign country. The Indians have perhaps created a breed of Phony Scholars - the " book worms "- who see knowledge from the eyes of the book, instead of original philosophers, the fountainhead of the knowledge . Youtube scholarly topic video by Indians spread among the masses the " Bookworm " understanding, where the only remedy you have is to Rote-l...

Fake degree and Phony Scholarship

More dangerous than the issue of Fake Degre e is the case of Phony Scholarship . A Phony Scholar is someone whose degree and certificates are all authentic, BUT for his knowledge in the subject. A Phony Scholar is more dangerous because only very few people in the society can identify him, -- only those who hold genuine knowledge in those subjects. To the others, a Phony Scholar, being unidentified, he misleads and mis-propagates. Rather, he causes the right and authentic knowledge to become convoluted and twisted, thereof creating more challenges before the society to differ between the Right Knowledge and the Wrong one. In simple terms, a phoney scholar manages to create the duplicate of the Right Knowledge and thus he cheats away to perpetuity the struggles to bringing a social awakening!

रचनात्मकता की कमी, बदलाव में नियंत्रण लगाने की तरीकों की खोज

* रचनात्मकता की कमी * हमारे देश के बुद्धिजीवियों के दर्शन में सबसे कमजोर बिंदु है। क्या आप इस देश में एक ऐसा क्षेत्र, एक ऐसी पार्टी, बता सकते हैं जो कि बाप-बेटावाद से मुक्त है? नहीं न ? जी हां। यह कुछ ऐसा ही है जैसे गरीब उत्पीड़ित लोगो की क्रांति में होता है। वह उत्पीड़न और शोषण से परेशान हो कर विद्रोह करते हैं, क्रांति लाते हैं। मगर फिर उसके दर्शन में * रचनात्मक्ता की कमी * होती है। क्रांति के बाद तख्तापलट होता है, और जब सत्ता उनके हाथों में आती है तो वापस वही करना चालू कर देते हैं जिससे कि वापस उत्पीड़न और शोषण की नई दास्ताँ शुरू हो जाती है। यह देशों में देखा गया है। फ्रांस की क्रांति के बाद उनका संविधान कम से कम 5 बार पूरा का पूरा बदला गया है , मगर आज तक समाज मे शांति और स्थिरता नही ले सका है। फ्रांस आज भी उत्पीड़न और शोषण में संवेदनशील है, भेदभाव और vvip संस्कृति से ग्रस्त है। स्थिरता का आरंभ बहोत ही जटिल बिंदु से होता है- बदलाव को नियंत्रित करने से। मगर बदलाव प्रकृति की सबसे बड़ी शक्ति है, हर व्यक्ति हर वस्तु की चाहत है। तो फिर स्थिरता आएगी कैसे? शायद समाज मे स...

The falling accreditation of the official Public Address system

Indian Army 's Twitter handle is being operated to poorly accredited thoughts and Information. What the Indian Army has reported of as sighting of Yeti's footmarks, the Nepalese Army informs that they are snow bear 's footmarks. Now we may wonder why this whole where-is-the-Evidence and ' Distrust in our own army institutions' saga is playing in the masses. The accreditation had already fallen, the Yeti thing is just a continued proof of undeserving, haughty command at the controls. Ideally, it is a wise behaviour to make public the sightings of an unexplained phenomenon so that a large mass churning exercise may begin leading to the explorations. The only big catch is that the language used for reporting the preliminary Information must be able to sufficiently address to the nature of Information (being Pre-investigative ) rather than rushing to take the credits of a new finding. This, to ensure that embarrassments don't occur and the public accreditatio...

The Problem of lacking STANDARDISATION thinktanks in Indian Society

CiteHr is one very famous website which is used for informing one about the labour laws and human resource management issues. But if you may ever run through any of the labour law related tricky situations being "debated" on this website, you would notice that for every aspect of the trickiness of the matter, there are very strong and well-written arguments about both the opposite -- competing - aspects of the problem. NOW if you may know anything about the rules of " Interpretation of Statutes ", you would wonder as to how such competing aspects have not been solved by the labour-law related 'Act of the Parliament' which is in place. Rather, why is the prevailing law itself the genesis of the trickiness leading to the "debate"!  In truth, that kind of "debate" should have resolved and concluded at the time of the composing of the labour law at the Parliament. But instead, THAT IS what you would witness happening at the CiteHr and af...

EVM की सेटिंग के लिए न्यूनतम कितनी मशीनें काबू में करनी चाहिए?

लंदन स्कूल ऑफ एकोनिमोक्स ने एक शोध के बाद बताया था आधुनिक प्रजातंत्रों में जहां आये दिन राजनैतिक पार्टियां जन्म ले रही है, तो फिर मतदान में बहुमत प्राप्त करने के लिए कुल मत ...

Government licensing authority and a demand for test of Psychology of the driving license candidate

Driving is actually a work of Human Psychology. Driving has huge connection with the personality traits of a person. A rash driver, very surely , will also be a rash decision-maker, a rash commentator. His car and the collision marks will reflect his rash driving and thereof may suggest of the personality traits of the driver to great accuracy . Driving is actually done from Habits of a man. Driving is part of every person's * auto-pilot behavior * .  Auto-pilot behavior is when a person thoughtlessly, - Mechanically-  conducts * by himself * . Unfortunately this is one department where the government is not doing anything in regard to safety on roads. The test of the Psychology of the potential driving-license candidate. A regular intervals, rigorous test that the person is Psychology suited to take-up the driving duties and so he does not act J to negligence and rashness. Unwittingly this same is also the one test that the Government agencies are ill-known for - subje...