
Showing posts from October, 2014

What should be the meaning of Secularism?

Reference Article : This article ( Definition of Secularism: What Hindus need to know ) , although well researched, is repeating the mistake of trying to understand SECULARISM as a legally definable entity, instead of understanding it as a socio-cultral response of the people to supremacy of priestly class and the institution of Religions , over Administration matters.    For one, it can be said about SECULARISM that it is a administrative form of Protestant cultural outrage. Secularism puts Rational Human Thinking as sole guidance for administrative actions. Secularism does not inhibit any religion, nor does it guarantee neutrality of state towards faith, if the faith conforms to the Rational Human Thought. Irreligionism is not disfavored either,by Secularism , as long as Irreligion is a Rational Human Thought, and that the irreligionism does not discard Morality.   Scientific Temper , the ...

The fallacy of taking permission from an irrelevant authority

Some of the arguments reveal about a confusion in the minds of people related with 'Independence of Authority ' ? Examine this :-- Can the seal on overboard valve be broken merely by involving Commercial Department of the company ?? To Put this question more simply, can any operation which is doubted to be wrongful, be executed by merely involving a third party into the matter ?? Should the Iran-'Desh Shanti' like situation arise, what are the chances that the Master will be able to secure an IMMEDIATE relief for himself by pointing to the authorities that he had "involved commercial department into the affairs" ? Can the master secure a LONG TIME relief either, on the grounds of having "involved" /"taken permission" of a third party ("the commercial department" ) ?? Fundamentally, the questions reflect a confusion,a fallacy, which pertains to the INDEPENDENCE OF AUTHORITY of the master. The third party, "the commercia...

क्या भाजपा छोटी रिश्वतखोरी का कारक आम जनता को बता कर बड़ी, मंत्रिपद की रिश्वतखोरी रोकने की ज़िम्मेदारी से बचने की कोशिश कर रही है ??

भ्रष्टाचार का एक ख़ास प्रकार- रिश्वतखोरी- को भाजपा वाले बहाना बना कर अपनी संवैधानिक सुधार की ज़िम्मेदारी से बचने की कोशिश कर रहे है। यह लोग इस तर्ज़ पर चल रहे हैं कि जो पकड़ा गया ...

अंतःकरण, आदर्शवाद और बुद्धिमता गुणांक(IQ)

बिना सिद्धांतों के करी जा रही राजनीति के लिए सही शब्द कूटनीति है। कूट का अर्थ है छल, भ्रम, धोखा । आखिर कूटनीति का मानव मनोविज्ञान पर क्या असर पड़ता है?    दीर्घ अवधि में कूटनीत...

Political Class has usurped all the powers in Indian Democracy

yup! thanks for this search, Rajeev Jassal, brother. Media manipulation is serious problem in India. Also, it was during this statement times when the Parliament Members shouted about how the Parliament is the supreme body in India above all else ! I made a quest into the actual answer and chanced upon the knowledge that Parliamentary powers can nevver be balanced in a political system as India - which practices DEMOCRACY alongside REPUBLICANISM !! In its origin, Parliament was a representative of the common man, as what Kejriwal described Parliament to be in relation to Anna, and was designed to balance the powers the sovereign , which is the President( 'president' is someone who preceded the "Residents".Thus, in a true democracy,  Anna Hazaare is a RESIDENT , who become equal to his PRESIDENT by the introduction of one Institution called the Parliament. Parliament is thus only a representative body, and therefore can IT CAN NEVER be ABOVE OR MORE SUPREME than who...

न्यू यॉर्क टाइम्स लेख का हिंदी अनुवाद- भावनात्मक उत्तेजना से अनुवाद और उच्चारण में उत्पन्न भ्रम की घटना

प्रभावशाली अमेरिकी समाचारपत्र 'न्यू यॉर्क टाइम्स' द्वारा 8 अक्टूबर को प्रकाशित किये गए एक लेख जिसका शीर्ष था "भारतीय छात्रों के लिए एक असत्यवान शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम" (False teachings for Indian students) का ...

स्वच्छता अभियान, भ्रष्टाचार और अस्वच्छता के संस्थागत निवारण की असफलता

जनता जब किसी सामाजिक आवश्यकता/उद्देश्य की निरंस्तर पूर्ती के लिए प्रेरित होती है, तब ही वह संस्थाओं का निर्माण प्रसाशन द्वारा करवाती है।    उदहारण के लिय शहरों और नगरों क...

Educated people and Modern politics

Success of a government in the dynamics of modern politics is most difficult to judge by stringent objective standards, unless it is clear cut pro-people policial reform which has been long pending. Countries like India have a big roll of the reforms which are long pending lying in the basement of the government complexes, eating dust. Political parties come and go, without making slightest of move on them and yet they manage to convince the people of having performed. It can happen because the people are themselves what their country needs. The political parties can, then, enjoy the powers turn-by-turn without having to bother themselves.   Education is a pathway to higher conscience, yet not a guarantee of it. Politicians manage to convince educated lot of their "vision", their "achievements", their "performance" by showcasing fulfillment of certain bureaucratic works to these Educated-but-Conscience-less people. This becomes the success of a governm...

Competence or Congeniality - pick your choice ?

Competence comes at the expense of Congeniality. Competence has to dispel many of the views which come from the near and dear ones. That's in the nature of Justice. Isn't this one of the reasons why the Goddess of Justice is kept blindfolded. In the same thought, Competitive Thoughts have to transcend the barriers of mutual affection so to blossom out.   People habituated of the dual justice which they learn from local, immoral vernacular sayings such as "सांप भी मर जाये, लाठी भी न टूटे"(to achieve opposing targets in the same strike), will ofcourse not like the method and approach path of the better competence. Better competence often times makes no compromises. It makes a direct and straight hitnto kill the snake.       Therefore,  many a time people might misjudge the better Competence to be an 'inferior class'...