Why we are either Far-right wingers, or the Far -left wingers ? Why are most people so? Why are we bigoted?

Why we are either Far-right wingers, or the Far -left wingers ? 
Why are most people so? 
Why are we bigoted? 

We all are bigoted in one way or the other. In one subject matter or the other. Every human being ever born is a bigot, thus. The default birth status of a human child is to become a bigot when he grows up UNLESS some purity of Conscience happens in him, PLUS he acquires a repertoire of knowledge by which he may have a grand view, enough to provide him a bird-eyeview of as many subject matters as possible

WE are designed by mother nature herself to see onlyone one side of the coin. We can never see both the sides of the coin together. Hence we are bigots - far right, or the far left winger. 

Only a rare amongst us attain the Buddha, the seeker of the balanced, middle path, the one who starts seeing the circle of life as an unending wave of highs and lows, and then learns to keep himself free from both- the pleasure and the pain- by a method of self-control. He who practises self-penance to teach himself to tolerate the worst of the pains, the virtue of patience and the art of asceticism.


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