
Showing posts from September, 2013

Business is Hypocrisy too..making a law and them secretly violating it, is called Business !

"Business cannot be done without using unfair means". This the self-image and convictions of the business houses in the Eastern Philosophy. Just as the purpose of Business is understood to be Profit by various philosophers, the business communities/houses take it that Profit and Profiteering are their birth-rights. Therefore, In the business related to goods, tax-evasions, secretive violations of the Statutory laws, consumer abuses - are done with the conviction of ''doing a business, because that's what the business is all about". In the business related to services, the exploitation is the equivalent of unfair means of Business , and executed with the same conviction. The 'business'-minded officials of the Governments facilitate this business environment.  Since unfairness cannot be brought about with having some rule to put the other in the queue, the 'right' method doing business is to support the rules and legislations which make all the...

Rethinking : Discretion versus Decision-making

(refer previous blog: Difference between Discretion and Decision-making ) On a re-thinking about Discretion -Versus- Decision-making, Discretion is something which allows space for person taste of the leader to play bigger role in the proceeding. In dictionary, Discretion is described as "Good Judgments". However , in management/administrative theories the area of interest of 'Good Judgements' grows outward to enquire the "how?" , the methodology of making a 'Good Judgements'. Management/administrative theories therefore proceed to create distinctions between Decision-making and Discretion. Discretion, here, is differed by a factor of 'personal taste' from Decision-making. Decision-making is about picking the best choice from various options being explored; Discretion is about acting solely by 'Personal Taste'. Therefore the term 'Discretionary Power' stands separate from the ordinary power of decision-making which is an ele...

Bad Governance-Versus-Juvenile Justice -- a moral dilemma of India

Why was the age of attainment of majority/ deliverance of minority adopted in the theories of law? Is a person born a criminal by birth? The old times cinema, the young juvenile caught stealing a loaf of bread so to feed his hungry brother, cried his soul to the Judge, ''Nobody is born a their, sir. It's the hunger, poverty and atrocities done by the rich and powerful when they crush a poor man under the wheels of their posh cars when a thief, robber or criminal is born. But the True criminal is not me, it is these people , this society, this system''. those were the superhit movies of their times , which had the 'Robinhood' feelings, the 'prince of thieves' whom the people loved from the bottom of their hearts. That is what paved the way to democracy, the people's leadership in polity, the abolishing of Feudalism. That nobody is born a criminal is a universal truth. The nation, it's political and administrative system, the society have t...

The brain development chart

Rational Thinking is a development of mind above the Reasoning-ability. It is that stage of development of brain when a person starts evaluating which one among so many reasons is the appropriate one for circumstances which are in the question. To a simple question, ''why should we keep on the left side of the road, when driving'' , the number of reasons (such as ''Because there is a law'', ''because to give way to the opposite traffic'', ''because the steering wheel is on right side of car'', etc) , Rational Thinking is the development stage of brain when it begins to Judge which is applicable reasoning for the circumstances which are in question. The basic ability of human brain , if it is born 'normal'(without any birth defects) is called Cognitive Abilities. a small child can be seen displaying the development of Cognitive Abilities as he grows from infancy to toddler to child stage. From the cognitive Abilit...

तर्कों को उलट फेर कर देने वाली एक संस्कृति

महान वैज्ञानिक अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन ने अपने एक कथन में गाँधी जी की मूढ़ता की हद्दों तक जाने वाली शांतिवादी (=अहिंसा ) विचारधारा के बारे में अपना अविश्वास व्यक्त करते हुए कहाँ था की " आने वाली पीड़ियाँ यह शायद ही विश्वास कर सकेंगी की कभी कोई हाड़-मांस का बना ऐसा शख्स इस धरती पर विचरण किया करता था । "       खैर , हमारे आत्म-पूजन , आत्म-भक्ति वाले देश भारत ने अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन के इस कथन को अपने ही तरह से उच्चारित किया है । अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन जर्मनी में पैदा हुए और अमेरिका में शरणार्थी बन कर आये उन कुछ लागों में थे जिन्होंने तत्कालीन अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति को चिट्टी लिख कर एटम बम्ब बनाने के तरीकों पर आगे बढ़ने को कहा था । बहोत बाद में अमेरिका ने जापान पर एटम बम्ब का प्रयोग भी किया ।       एक कल्पना की उड़ान लेकर देखें तब हंसी आयेगी की जैसे अल्बर्ट आइंस्टीन ने गाँधी जी पर अपना अचम्भा व्यक्त किया था , अगर आइंस्टीन भारत में पैदा हुए होते तब उनकी दिमाग को सम्पूर्ण पलट-फेर कर देने वाली 'सापेक्षता के विशेष सिद्धांत' और बाद में आये 'सापेक्षता के आम सिद्धांत' पर शायद हम भारतियो...

Group Dynamics in the higher order societies

      Societies of higher intellect sustain and thrive because of their abilities to work along the Facts , not the beliefs. Societies which are capable of handling evidence and search the truth are able to make the Right Decisions better. This attitude , then , contributes to keep the adherence force between the members of the group and that in turn helps them to survive and prosper.     Low Intelligence societies have a trouble of lacking specialization , which forces them to resolve issues too many times, by use of Voting. Absence of knowledge of Physics can, as a matter of fact, make the low Intelligence societies to resolve the tangle of "which is easier- Pulling or Pushing?" also to be put to election vote. Imagine the condition of low-intelligent societies where there is absence of knowledge of Law, medicine, literature, arts, philosophy and so many.     ''Not everything can be resolved by logic'' is the attitude of the low Intelligence societ...

On the recent verdicts of Supreme Court on criminal and corrupts to contest elections

looks like the Indians have been tricked by the cunning politicians once more. Although the media is presently projecting this news as a victory of the common man, when i read the views of the rights groups on this issue, i figure out that the cunning politicians have stolen away a victory by taking an allowance through the Court process to have those people who are already Chargesheeted to contest the elections, even upto those who have been convicted "although less than 2 years". If someone can apply the mind, after reading the views of the rights groups, the government has tricked away the entire population of india by stealing away this allowance. instead of working down to improve the Police Investigation, the forensics and the Judicial system of India, the Government has managed to use that as an excuse to make a small win of today by taking victory in having convicted people to contest the elections !!! We have been duly fooled !! ___________________________________...

Is India likely to change the Good Governance and principles of civil society at the world stage if elevated higher?

The International Olympics Committee (the IOC) has rejected the Indian Olympics Association (the IOA) proposal to allow people 'convicted for more than 2 years' to allow to be the president of the IOA , and therefore be nominated for the IOC. The IOC has rejected this proposal.     Isn't the proposal same as what the political parties in India had argued in the Supreme Court regarding permissions to the 'convicted criminals for more than two years' to contest elections. Interestingly the political parties have won there argument in the Supreme Court of India. Their main argument which the SC upheld , was that a blanket ban on the incarcerated people will result into abuse by the political parties to eliminate out their rivals through falsely fabricated cases!      The second contention of the political parties is to ask of the Supreme Court to allow people to contest elections even from the prison.     Various interested rights organisations have co...

How should an MLA or an MP be ideally attending to his constituency?

How should an MLA or an MP be ideally  attending to his constituency?   The conventional perception of ''who is a good man'', surprisingly has been a very relativistic view, over here in India. The general answer, which most of us Indians , unconscietiously bear in our mind, is that '' a good person is someone who is sitting on a dharna , a candle light vigil, or protest about something which is perceived to be bad''. There is perhaps no standard and idealistic answer which while conforming to the need of moderns times, help us identify the 'due process' man from an dissenter man.      In the absence of the ideal gauge, the convention of stating who is a good legislator is that ''jo apke saare kaam kara de''. When asked to elaborate on 'kaun se kaam (which all works)', the quick answer our minds thoughtlessly work back is, ''roads, bridges, flyovers, footpath and railings- banwa de''. Sometimes this ans...

आस्तिक इंसानों का मुर्ख राष्ट्र

आस्तिक इंसानों में समझ की यह समस्या अक्सर होती है की वह 'पॉवर' को एक-सत्ता(absoluteness) की दृष्टि में देखना और समझना पसंद करते हैं । वह " पॉवर के संतुलन " के व्यक्तव्य को समझ सकने में थोडा मानसिक तौर से मंद होते हैं ।      आस्तिक इंसानों का यह नजरिया और मंद-मस्तिष्क उनकी आस्तिक विश्वासों की ही उपज होती है । यह लोग अधिकार (राइट्स) और शक्ति (पॉवर) के बीच में अंतर नहीं कर सकते हैं। वह दुनिया को किसी अदभुत ताकत के द्वारा रचित एक करिश्मा के रूप में देखते हैं,जिसे वह भगवान् अथवा इश्वर बुलाते हैं । भगवान् मनुष्य की समझ के परे होते हैं और इस लिए भगवान की शक्तियों से सम्बंधित आगे कोई भी तलाश, जिज्ञासा , प्रशन को वह एक व्यर्थ कार्य, व्यर्थ मेहनत समझते हैं । वह स्वयं ही उस शक्ति के आगे विनम्र और नतमस्तक , यानि दूसरे शब्दों में - विवश, हो जाते हैं । अपने इस त्रुटिपूर्ण नज़रिए की छाप वह अपने राजनैतिक ज्ञान में भी झलकाते हैं । जन-प्रशासन और राजनैतिक विज्ञानं से उपजे कुछ सिद्धांतों (theories ) को त्रुटीपूर्ण तरीके से प्रथक- मनोभाव (isolation ) से देख बैठते हैं , जबकि वह ...