
Showing posts from July, 2014

"राजनीति" शब्द मूल पर एक विचार

जन संवाद में प्रयोग होने वाला शब्द "राजनीत" एक भ्रामक है। राजनीत का मूल शब्द-विचार है 'राज्य चलाने की नीतियां'। आदर्श स्थिति और वातावरण में नीतियों का निर्माण करने हेतु विभ...

अधर्म, दल-गत कूटनीति, और समाज में व्याप्त गरीबी तथा अपराध

क्या आपने कभी टीवी पर आ रहे महाभारत धारावाहिक को देखा है? श्री कृष्ण बार-बार अर्जुन को धर्म का ज्ञान देते समय 'सृष्टि' , 'समाज' और 'प्रकृति के नियम' जैसे शब्दों का प्रयोग करते सुन...

The UPSC C-SAT Issue and the alleged anti-Hindi exam process

It seems like the Hindi speaking UPSC candidates are seeking a political solution to a technical challenge before them of passing the C-SAT (civil services aptitude test).    We don't expect any other thing than 'Politicing' when such candidates come around through UPSC into the bureaucracy. That India's fate is in the hands of Idiots and buffoons is a foregone conclusion now, who come in various shapes and forms such as the Bureaucracy, Politicians and the vernacular news media.    C-SAT consist of logical reasoning, language comprehension, analytical ability-those very mental skills which make up the IQ(intelligent quotient) of a person. Being unable to clear this exam-the obvious failed candidates are lobbying up as "Rural background,hindi speaking candidates" (being discriminated against systematically through the CSAT).     From a distance it should be a default conclusion that a candidate who cannot come through the test of these brain skills ...

हिंदी भाषी -अंग्रेजी भाषी विवाद

यद्यपि हिंदी मेरी मात्रभाषा है और यह लेख भी हिंदी भाषा में लिखा है , मगर मैं हिंदी भाषा के लिए किसी दया भाव से यह विचार नहीं लिख रहा हूँ। मैं यथासंभव निष्पक्षता और निर्मोह के ...

न्यायलयों में बौद्धिक असक्षमता से जुड़ा एक प्रसंग

Stupidity(बौद्धिक असक्षमता) हम भारतियों का सबसे बड़ा गुनाह है। सदियों की गुलामी और एक खिचड़ी सभ्यता ने हम लोगों को भ्रांतियों, कुतर्कों , अनैतिक तर्कों, अंतर-विरोध विचारों, और द्वि-मा...

Mr Ashok Khemkha, IAS case- how the honest and high-integrity people are put to utility in a corrupt system

BJP's act of middleman -business . BJP is propagting among the populace the transfer of Haryana IAS Mr Ashoka Khemka to the centre as a response at anti-Corruption measures by them. But  people need to question back to BJP if this publicity can this ever be a substitue for their desire and intention to NOT to proceed against Robert Vadra and his syndicate? Before this, the BJP also transferred Ms Sunita kejriwal, w/o Arvind , to MCD which was resisted by their own party, while they being the elected rulers of MCD are being accused of massive corruption. What effectively is the BJP achieving by promoting the cause of the honest and high-integrity people, while intending not to proceed against the high and mighty political level corruption? Discreetly, it can serve two purposes. Just as more and more people, new and rising politician, become embroiled in any kind of dispute or a court proceeding, it brings in "negotiation capabilities" to the already dirty clan of polit...

on Germany winning the FIFA World Cup 2014

Germany has won the world cup. Possibly not relevant to this victory but I am reminded of how the German economy has been the only sustaining economy in the EU in the past few years. Germany has been a target of the US Espionage , as revealed by whistle blower Snowden-for reasons I still like to guess.     Germany has been a great performer in football for quite sometime although victory kept eluding them by acts of fate, not because of lacking efforts. Kahnu Kahn their goalkeeper has not vanished from my memory who played in the WC two editions ago.   Michael Schumacher, the F1 champion made his fans cry when he met with an accident while skiing. And his recovery from a longest medically induced coma was  a greater and more emphatic victory than all his F1s. It qualified supremely all his physical and mental endurances.     From the era of Hitler, I am reminded of the the fascist beliefs of his regarding the superiority of the German Aryans ...

the neo B School education culture

you see, as  I had previously said , that B Schools are giving to their students a poison cocktail of well-established philosophies (where each philosophical view has it's limits) so to get rid of the guilt-conscience , and sometimes the conscience as a whole, to execute out even the worst of unthical and unjust deeds which come in way of their business profits. There is a news today, that the American MBA is losing its shine. Perhaps to concur with my observations and belief.

On Corruption and the consequent loss of public trust in institutions

Where there is corruption, everything is possible. When everything is possible, nothing is trustable. When nothing is trustable , there is no quality control. No quality control means goodbye to quality of life. Thus, Unworthy, un meritorious , un deserving people will rule over you. You will duly choose a Chaiwala over an IITians.

कश्मीर मुद्दे पर एक बहमूल्य विचार-प्रभावित व्यक्तियों की राय परम आवश्यक न्याय है।

अब, जब की रामदेव के सहयोगी भी कश्मीर मुद्दे पर उसे पृथक करने के विचार रखते हुए "पकडे गए हैं" ,जिसके लिए कुछ लोगों ने प्रशांत भूषण जी से हाथापाई भी करी थी --तब जनता जनार्दन को एक वि...

On Dr Ashok Khemkha's possible deputation to the Center

Copied comments of someone from facebook, reference Ashok Khemka transfer to centre: Quote " I am yet to find a person in the private sector who repeatedly differs with the boss and retains his job for long. Victimization can be for one, two or few  times. But if someone has a problem with nearly everyone he works with, probably it is time for him to seek another area of interest for rest of his life! ... I did support his efforts to bring out the Wadra Caucus!

Politicians'promises , hopefulness and intentions are like mirage in a desert.

Regarding 'Intentions' and 'hopes' -how long are we going to keep these intricate aspects of a judicious behaviour as *uninformed choices*?     Can we not apply ourselves, our reasoning ability to read the signs , to make calculated anticipations of what is about to come? Political Hopes are often like Mirage in a desert- can make us, the 'hopeful' citizens run fruitlessly unless we drop dead or giveup altogether. This same truth goes with the overt (as against the hidden) Intentions of the politicians. It happens more frequently than not, that hopes sold out to citizen are meant to exhaust out his energies and beliefs of seeing a truly good, prospering nation before him.    Political Hopes activate the Emotional self, obvious to say, they switch off our minds. How long are we going to justify our wrong political choices on the argument of "lets hope this time..." ?

निर्मोह, निष्पक्षता , न्यायसंगत नेत्रित्व और एक सफल समाज को जोड़ने वाली कड़ी श्रंखला

समाचार पत्रों से देश में चल रही दल-गत कूटनीति का संज्ञान लेते समय हम अक्सर यह त्रुटी कर देते है की हम सही-गलत का आत्म-ज्ञान परिपक्व करने के अपेक्षा स्वयं ही किसी न किसी राजनै...