Do the Indians not know how to honour their contracts?
This blog in my quest to know why there is so much disharmony wherever Indians are there as managers. The better practice of the olden times Feudalistic System in Europe was the 'Laws of Contract' which in the modern democracies became the reconciling mechanism between personal liberties of an individual and his business organizations, and even between a citizen and the governments. However the law of Contracts forbids certain kinds as the ' ab initio void' which attempt to reign in the person's natura l, human and fundamental, rights. Contracts are based on the principal of reciprocity and equality. Business Organisations and the Governments are expected to act in a manner so as not to reduce the bargaining power of the citizen or individual or any party in a contract which may further affect Equality in a Contract. The above knowledge is expected to be held commonly by all people and thus is a part of the Common Law. In the days of Feudal...