
Showing posts from January, 2016

Anti-Reservationism --- the modern form of social discrimination

There is a culture of Anti Reservationism within certain institutions in India. These institutions openly and brazenly ridicule the policy of reservation set by various legislature as if reservation is the cause of all the social disbalances and the ills that this country suffers from. It is shocking and dismaying that what these institutions hold is in conflict with the desires of the legislature, and yet there has never been cry about such a conduct ever.    Supreme Court of India is one such Institution at the top of the list who has often spoken and given commentary on the ills that the policy of reservation brings along with it. But much to the surprise of the downtrodden people, this supreme Institution of justice has perhaps never made any commentary which may stand in line with the will of the legislature and thus reveal to the general public the need and purpose of the reservation policy.    The reservationist on the other hand have truly always been timid...

कलयुग, अंधेर नगरी, इडियोक्रेसी और मोदी सरकार

कलयुग, अंधेर नगरी, इडियोक्रेसी और मोदी सरकार दूसरे धर्मपंथ जो की भविष्य में क़यामत और "जजमेंट डे" जैसे धरती के अन्त की भविष्यवाणी करते हैं, उनकी ही तरह हिन्दू पंथ में भी प्रलय ...

Idealism, and the net account of the Compromises and Sacrifices

     An Idealist can never come to power in a vastly opinionated country as our. I guess he should neither even be coming over.     However, the bitter truth of life i wish to remind the readers of this post  is that no able and successful leader can afford to make expansive departure from the IDEALS either. Indeed, the minor unavoidable departures that one has to make is what is truly described in philosophical terms as PRAGMATISM. Many foolish people in our country think that meaning of Pragmatism is about being Conscience less. Indeed, Conscience-less condition is truly a Psychopath, which can only yield cruel, deceitful , autocratic person whom many other foolish people may mistake for an able, successful leader.     Party Politics is surely about making compromises. But then Politics is the art and science of Good Governance. All the People can be fooled, but not always and neither for ever. Hence, a successful leader is one ...

काल्पनिक कथा: free basics में भविष्य का युग

कल्पना करिये यदि फेसबुक का free basics गरीबों के नाम पर वर्तमान में आ जाता है तब फिर आज से 50 साल भविष्य की क्या-क्या समस्याएं होंगी, और उन समस्याओं का क्या-क्या आर्थिक और राजनैतिक "समाध...

अंधेर नगरी में भ्रष्टाचार की व्यथा (व्यंग रचना)

कल्पनाओं के देश, अंधेर नगरी में पूंजीपति ऐश काट रहे थे। वहां चोन्ग्रेस नाम के राजनैतिक दल सत्ता में था और जनता को अंधेर में रख कर राजकोष और राष्ट्रिय सम्पदा को पूँजीवादियो...

चाय वाला छोटू (व्यंग रचना)

एक चाय वाले 'छोटू' से यूँ ही पूछ लिया की अगर तू बड़ा हो कर देश का प्रधानमंत्री बन गया तब क्या करेगा । चाय वाला बोला की वह बारी बारी से दुनिया के सभी देश जायेगा।    मैंने पुछा की इस...