
Showing posts from February, 2017

जीलैंडिया की खोज और मापदंड में इंसानी चाहत की प्रभुसत्ता से मुक्ति

जीलैंडिया असल में जल मगन महाद्वीप (continent) है जिसका सिर्फ 5~8 प्रतिशत ही सतह पर है। जलमग्न जीलैंडिया के पर्वतों में से कही पर पानी से बहार निकलते तीन पर्वतों की चोटी पर ही बसा द्वीप ...

The meaningfullness of the SOPs to the investigators in the aftermath of an incident

i was wondering what is the meaning of the SOP that is so fashionably talked about these days. What is an SOP or the Standard Operation Procedures and what is its significance ? The investigators in the aftermath of an incident/accident so pointedly ask you to hand them your SOP , and in turn you given them some computer printed papers with a bold written heading on in ,'Standard Operation Procedure'. Thereafter it becomes as if the needful have been accomplished ,and the parties move on without making any critical point about what have they done with that copy of that ordinary printed stapled piece of papers , having the title 'SOP' . Well, in first place we all need to contemplate over what is an SOP, so that we may proceed to do something meaningful with that document. To understand about the SOP , I think that we first need to understand the Principles of Legalism which are the driving force behind the management techniques which create documents...