Confidential Report system of evaluation in the light of Natural Justice
Handling a Confidential Report: A confidential report (of CR) regarding an employee is violative of the Principle of natural justice in that it does not give the party being reported of a fair chance to produce his side of the story. Principles of natural Justice require that both the parties involved in a dispute be given equal chance to represent themselves before a justice is reached. However , the CR becomes inevitable when the person being reported of is not likely to yield a sporting, a healthy hearing to his report. It is important to note that the central point is just about hearing itself, not whether the person who is being reported of is agreeing, accepting, or admitting to the veracity of the report or not. It is generally expected of the good people, or a good personality trait that a person confront his own shortcomings and work towards correcting those deficiencies in his behaviour. Hence, it becomes all the more important that the appraisal of the pe...